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Shingles: Acupuncture Treatment
Shingles, caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (which also causes chickenpox), often affects older adults and...
Epilepsy and Acupuncture Treatment
Epilepsy is one of the conditions for which acupuncture is indicated, with a reported effectiveness rate of over 92%. Acupuncture has...
Acupuncture Therapy in the Rehabilitation of Stroke-induced Paralysis
Acupuncture therapy has been extensively applied in the rehabilitation treatment of motor functions for patients suffering from...
Tremor/Parkinson's Disease: The Role of Acupuncture in Treatment
Tremor is a neurological symptom that can be physiological, functional, or pathological. Finger tremors are most common, followed by...
Multiple Sclerosis and Acupuncture Treatment
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease prevalent in the UK, characterized by widespread demyelination of white matter in...
Alzheimer's Disease and Acupuncture Treatment
Alzheimer’s disease, a primary form of dementia, is the most prevalent type, affecting approximately 850,000 individuals in the UK. This...
Understanding and Treating Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Neuritis (Meralgia Paresthetica) with Acupuncture
Lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis, also known as meralgia paresthetica, presents as abnormal sensations like tingling or numbness in the...
Understanding and Managing Chest Pain and Intercostal Neuralgia with Acupuncture
Chest pain arising from somatic causes, such as intercostal neuralgia, chest wall splinting, and costochondritis, as opposed to internal...
Understanding and Treating Sciatica with Acupuncture
Sciatica, a common clinical neuropathic pain, can be primary or secondary, radicular or trunkal, and acute or chronic. Acupuncture...
Understanding and Managing Peripheral Facial Nerve Palsy (Bell's Palsy) with Acupuncture
Peripheral facial nerve palsy, commonly known as Bell's palsy, is often induced by facial neuritis. It can also arise from facial nerve...
Understanding and Treating Trigeminal Neuralgia with Acupuncture
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a chronic condition characterized by severe, electric shock-like pain on one side of the face. Triggered by...
Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines: An Integrated Approach
Headaches and migraines are common symptoms that respond well to acupuncture treatment. They can be classified based on pain location or...
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